Surround yourself with objects that have helped you find your way in life -- books, totems, photos, quotes, special rugs, notepads, pencils and pens. Pay attention to little ritual details. Do you like to light a candle before beginning to write? Brew a cup of tea? Have classical music playing in the background?
Creating a sacred writing space releases you. And, as Joseph Campbell writes: "...since that space is associated with a certain kind of performance, it evokes that performance again." "To live in sacred space is to live in a symbolic environment where spiritual life is possible, where everything around you speaks of exaltation of the spirit."
As you cross the threshold into your sacred space, cast off all your responsibilities. Banish the internal critic. Seal yourself off from distractions. Allow yourself to sink more deeply into your inner life. Invite in the sense of play and discovery.
And most of all, have fun!!