
29 November 2010

PostNaNoPlot Perfection

Tomorrow ends NaNoWriMo for another year. That means you have today and tomorrow to finish. No matter what, keep writing. 

Wednesday begins the 3rd Annual International Plot Writing Month, also known as PlotWriMo or as my friend and short story writer Mary Eastham dubs the month of December, PostNaNoPlot Perfection.

Write now. Shape your words into a compelling story throughout December.

Perhaps you didn't do nano? Don't even know what it is but you have a draft of your book and are wondering, now what? 

No draft of a story written? Follow the steps outlined this month to generate ideas for one. (You'll have to use your imagination and fill in the missing blanks, but you're good at that, right? You're a writer.)

Follow me here everyday for plot tips and tricks and inspiration beginning Dec. 1st.

No writing required.

Use the month to push aside the words and analyze the characters and dramatic action and thematic significance you have written. Brainstorm for an effortless draft two in January '09.