
29 August 2012

Day 5: Mega-PWWorkbook Giveaway

Today we travel to Jane Friedman: Being human at electric speed. Exploring what it means to be a writer in the digital age, with Jane as our host.

The former publisher of Writers Digest writes about herself: "I'm fascinated by the future of media, and how technologies can advance us faster than our hearts can understand. Will we allow the changes to shrink us, make us feel small -- or will be uncover new and better ways of being human."

The dramatic action has a profound affect on the protagonist and over time changes and transforms her in a meaningful way.

Jane knows everything there is about being a writer today. I am proud and honored to celebrate the final stop on our tour with her.

Jane Friedman

Last night was the book launch party for the workbook we're honoring on the tour. Standing room only. Books sold out. Cake devoured. I'll share from my talk the 5 Tips to Immediately Improve Your Plot in an upcoming post. See you over at Jane's.

Mega-giveaway. Merely comment to throw you name in the hat for a free copy of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories.

What's New!
Webinar Plot Workshop:
Secrets of Story Structure Plot 9/13/12
Sign-up today

Plot your story step-by-step with the help of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories

More Plot Tips:
1) Read
The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master

2)Watch the Plot Series: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay? on YouTube. Scroll down on the left of this post for a directory of all the steps to the series. 27-step tutorial on Youtube

3) Watch the Monday Morning Plot Book Group Series on YouTube. Scroll down on the right of this post for a directory the book examples and plot elements discussed.

For additional tips and information about the Universal Story and plotting a novel, memoir or screenplay, visit:
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook
Plot Whisperer on Twitter

28 August 2012

Day 4: Mega-PWWorkbook Giveaway

Welcome back. If you took part in yesterday's Twitter PWWorkbook Giveaway, I'll announce the winner later today or tomorrow. Stay tuned.

Today, I am proud and excited to announce we're being hosted by Sandra Lee Smith and her blog partners at Seekerville where I posted about "Finding the Strongest Climax".

I meet Sandra and Glynna Kaye at the RWA Desert Rose Writers Conference last April where I gave a plot workshop and the last day's keynote and final workshop. Sandra and I dreamed up today way back then and here it is today.

Mega-giveaway. Merely comment to throw you name in the hat for a free copy of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories.

What's New!
You're invited to the book launch party TONIGHT -- the PWWorkbook coming out party. Bookshop Santa Cruz 7:30p.m.

Webinar Plot Workshop:
Secrets of Story Structure Plot 9/13/12
Sign-up today

Plot your story step-by-step with the help of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories

More Plot Tips:
1) Read
The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master

2)Watch the Plot Series: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay? on YouTube. Scroll down on the left of this post for a directory of all the steps to the series. 27-step tutorial on Youtube

3) Watch the Monday Morning Plot Book Group Series on YouTube. Scroll down on the right of this post for a directory the book examples and plot elements discussed.

For additional tips and information about the Universal Story and plotting a novel, memoir or screenplay, visit:
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook
Plot Whisperer on Twitter

27 August 2012

Day 3: Mega-PWWorkbook Giveaway

Today, in place of a host blog for our Mega-PWWorkbook Giveway, I'm trying something new. Something I've never done before. Something I really know little about. I plan to use Twitter as my host today.

Every time you RT one of my plot tip tweets today and include #PWWorkbookgiveaway, you're in the running for a free The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories.

You can enter as many times as you like to increase your chance of winning. At the end of the day, I'll randomly pick winners.

I'm at @plotwhisperer on Twitter.

Let's see how this rolls. It should be fun and lots of plot tips will hopefully wander into writers' lives (perhaps yours?) at just the right time.

What's New!
You're invited to the book launch party on 8/28 -- the PWWorkbook coming out party. Bookshop Santa Cruz 7:30p.m.

Webinar Plot Workshop:
Secrets of Story Structure Plot 9/13/12
Sign-up today

Plot your story step-by-step with the help of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories

More Plot Tips:
1) Read
The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master

2)Watch the Plot Series: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay? on YouTube. Scroll down on the left of this post for a directory of all the steps to the series. 27-step tutorial on Youtube

3) Watch the Monday Morning Plot Book Group Series on YouTube. Scroll down on the right of this post for a directory the book examples and plot elements discussed.

For additional tips and information about the Universal Story and plotting a novel, memoir or screenplay, visit:
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook
Plot Whisperer on Twitter

24 August 2012

Day 2: Mega-PWWorkbook Giveaway

Excited about celebrating the official release of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories, I find myself procrastinating setting up a blog tour, something that worked so well for The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master.

I contact only a few friends and blame dragging my feet on how much time and attention a blog tour demands.

On the official release date of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories, my editor asks me write another book... in three weeks. I balk until I hear his brilliant idea.

I'm hooked... and writing like mad. I'm so happy that I followed the energy and set up a mini-blog tour with a Mega-PWWorkbook Giveaway.

Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi are keeping their doors open for us for another day. Come hang out. I'll take breaks from writing every second to meet my deadline on Monday. You comment for a chance to win a free copy of the workbook.

The Bookshelf Muse

Check-in here every morning for an update where to travel for the next leg of the blog tour.

What's New!
You're invited to the book launch party on 8/28 -- the PWWorkbook coming out party. Bookshop Santa Cruz 7:30p.m.

Another mega-workbook give-away, using FaceBook and Twitter coming soon. More later...

Plot your story step-by-step with the help of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories

More Plot Tips:
1) Read
The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master

2) Virtual plot workshop hosted by Writers Digest. Secrets of Story Structure & Plot Sept. 13th 1p.m. EDT

3) Watch the Plot Series: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay? on YouTube. Scroll down on the left of this post for a directory of all the steps to the series. 27-step tutorial on Youtube

4) Watch the Monday Morning Plot Book Group Series on YouTube. Scroll down on the right of this post for a directory the book examples and plot elements discussed.

For additional tips and information about the Universal Story and plotting a novel, memoir or screenplay, visit:
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook
Plot Whisperer on Twitter

23 August 2012

Mega-Plot Whisperer Workbook Giveaway

Last October we celebrated the official release of The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master
on a mega-blog tour. This year, we're celebrating the official release of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-Step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories, on a mini-blog tour with a mega-PWWorkbook giveaway.

Thank you, Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi for kicking off the tour today at The Bookshelf Muse. Angela and Becca run the blog together and "Dedicate themselves to helping writers via descriptive tools, knowledge sharing, and support." They are co-authors of the wildly successful, The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide To Character Expression.

Leave a comment on The Bookshelf Muse and you're automatically in the running for a free workbook -- several are being given away.

I'll be there all day, answering questions and commenting on comments. Actually, I'm there right now...

Check-in here every morning for an update where to travel for the next leg of the blog tour.

What's New!
You're invited to the book launch party on 8/28 -- the PWWorkbook coming out party. Bookshop Santa Cruz 7:30p.m.

Another mega-workbook give-away, using FaceBook and Twitter coming soon. More later...

Plot your story step-by-step with the help of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories

More Plot Tips:
1) Read
The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master

2) Virtual plot workshop hosted by Writers Digest. Secrets of Story Structure & Plot Sept. 13th 1p.m. EDT

3) Watch the Plot Series: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay? on YouTube. Scroll down on the left of this post for a directory of all the steps to the series. 27-step tutorial on Youtube

4) Watch the Monday Morning Plot Book Group Series on YouTube. Scroll down on the right of this post for a directory the book examples and plot elements discussed.

For additional tips and information about the Universal Story and plotting a novel, memoir or screenplay, visit:
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook
Plot Whisperer on Twitter

17 August 2012

Keeping an Eye on the Big Picture

What's everyone chasing, doing, after? What's all the action about? 

The answers to these questions may feel murky to you, even in the second and third drafts. Every time you stand back from the words and ask yourself these big picture questions, the clearer your story becomes to you. The clearer your story is to you, the more clearly you can convey the story to your readers.

The writer is writing a geo-political thriller from three points of view. Each point-of-view character represents the sensibilities of his/her own country of origin. When the end of the beginning scene explodes from a bomb, the reader is shown the carnage and impressions of the dastardly deed from each point of view, providing individual insight into the three different customs, beliefs, rules and regulations, politics, and reactions based on the influence of each individual country on each character.

Because of this presentation, the nations and politics take on characteristics of actual characters in the story and contributes to the bigger picture coming into view.

Giving input from different points of view allows for a much broader sense of a much bigger picture beyond the moment-by-moment scene and links the scenes beyond the actual setting into the psyche of the world around the characters. This adds a depth and richness to the piece and is, of course, vitally important to this particular writer and her geo-political thriller story.

What's New!

You're invited to the book launch party on 8/28 -- the PWWorkbook coming out party. Bookshop Santa Cruz 7:30p.m.

Blog tour with a mega-book giveaway. Tour the week of August 20th with us and travel to some awesome sites. Juicy plot posts.

Another mega-workbook give-away, using FaceBook and Twitter coming soon. More later...

Plot your story step-by-step with the help of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories

More Plot Tips:
1) Read
The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master

2) Watch the Plot Series: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay? on YouTube. Scroll down on the left of this post for a directory of all the steps to the series. 27-step tutorial on Youtube

3) Watch the Monday Morning Plot Book Group Series on YouTube. Scroll down on the right of this post for a directory the book examples and plot elements discussed.

For additional tips and information about the Universal Story and plotting a novel, memoir or screenplay, visit:
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook
Plot Whisperer on Twitter

03 August 2012

Plot a Book Party

The Summer issue of the San Francisco Writers Conference Newsletter arrived today. Thank you, Barb, for so generously announcing the book launch party for the PWWorkbook with a link to this blog for more information.

You're Invited!
Book Launch Party for  The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories
Bookshop Santa Cruz
1520 Pacific Avenue
Santa Cruz
7:30 p.m.

 ***Come for the cake. Leave with 5 Easy Plot Tips To Immediately Improve Your Novel, Memoir, Screenplay***

The PWWorkbook's official release date is 8/18.

The book launch party on 8/28 is the workbook's coming out party.

Sandwiched between those 2 dates is a blog tour with a mega-book giveaway. Come tour with us the week of August 20th. We're traveling to some pretty awesome sites. I'll keep the plot posts juicy in as many compelling and lively ways as I can make up. Though this year's blog tour is smaller, the workbook giveaway qualifies as mega.

NOTE: I'm scheming up a bigger workbook give-away around the same time, using FaceBook and Twitter. More later...

Plot your story step-by-step with the help of The Plot Whisperer Workbook: Step-by-step Exercises to Help You Create Compelling Stories

More Plot Tips:
1) Read
The Plot Whisperer: Secrets of Story Structure Any Writer Can Master

2) Watch the Plot Series: How Do I Plot a Novel, Memoir, Screenplay? on YouTube. Scroll down on the left of this post for a directory of all the steps to the series. 27-step tutorial on Youtube

3) Watch the Monday Morning Plot Book Group Series on YouTube. Scroll down on the right of this post for a directory the book examples and plot elements discussed.

For additional tips and information about the Universal Story and plotting a novel, memoir or screenplay, visit:
Blockbuster Plots for Writers
Plot Whisperer on Facebook
Plot Whisperer on Twitter